, How To Be Happy, Damn it!, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

How To Be Happy, Damn it!

Recently, I posted Overcoming Suffering and Achieving Lasting Happiness… Words from the Dalai Lama.  Today, I want to follow up with a quick list of things that will get you back on track to being happy…. damn it!  Hope this helps, and please add something that helps you in the comment area!

  1. Take Responsibility for Yourself…without resentment.
  2. Look at what you Already Have. Let go of the addiction to “What’s Next”.
  3. Count Your Blessings. Make mental lists of how lucky or fortunate you already are.  Keep a gratitude journal.  When you are in a funk, find things you like… “I like that tree.  I like that flower.  That dog looks nice.”
  4. Surround yourself with Positive People. If you find you are amidst others where the conversation is headed south, turn it around.  Make pacts with people to “stay up” and keep eachother going.
  5. Know yourself and your grumpy times and Practice your Positive Attitude then! I’m super grumpy in the morning.  I have to do all I can to redirect my thoughts and stay positive.  After lunchtime, I’m fine, but my best practice takes place in the morning when I’m being Seniorita Grumpy Pants.
  6. Look for what people ARE DOING instead of what they are NOT DOING. It’s easy to get off track by taking the good stuff for granted.  I did this in my last relationship…and, well, it’s over now.  Realize everyone else is going through their own struggle of trying to avoid suffering and achieve happiness and let’s all give eachother a break.
  7. Learn when to Do Something… or Let it Go. Shantideva says, if we face a difficulty, “we should examine the nature of the problem itself.  If we find that there exists the possibility we could solve it… there is no need for anxiety.  If, on the other hand, we find that the nature of the problem admits to no solution, there is no point in worrying about it.  If nothing can change the situation, worrying only makes it worse.”  I’m pretty sure if I can master this one, I can rule the world… or something.
  8. Realize when we are putting Our Expectations on other people or situations and STOP DOING IT. Bad Dog.  Go lie down.
  9. Plan something fun. Maybe you’re sweating the small stuff because you are bored.  The brain likes to be active and sometimes it works against us.  Get crazy and plan an adventure.  Get excited about something and move back towards anticipation and enthusiasm.
  10. Get outside your head and Help Others. It’s good to remember other people have problems, too.  Many have problems much worse than ours.  Get to giving and find a feel-good project that brings you and others joy.  Sometimes just moving about and interacting with others is enough to change your perspective.

Remember, Practice makes Perfect, so if you find yourself slipping into a Negative Nancy, just try to snap back as soon as possible to Positive Patty!  It’s your job in this lifetime to enjoy living your life as much as possible, so Reclaim Your Happiness Today 🙂 !  Aren’t sure how?  Check out my FREE YouTube Channel full of courses to help you Get Back on Track!

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