, How to Live an Exceptional Life of Meaning, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

How to Live an Exceptional Life of Meaning

“Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted…  Would you capture it, or just let it slip?

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment.  You Own It.  You better never let it go! You only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity only comes once in a lifetime…”

-EMINEM, Lose Yourself

We’ve got one shot.  We have one life to live, and we may as well make it exceptional.  Each of us has an opportunity to make an impact, making the world a better place by helping others.  This is the more challenging path to take in life and it requires unconventional thinking, unflagging commitment, relentless self-analysis, and indestructible inspiration.  The purpose of this article is to assist you in strengthening these areas and encourage you to live an exceptional life.

Storm the Norm

Becoming an individual requires you to break the rules and go against the norm.  Yet, we have all been conditioned by our upbringing and society to act accordingly and fit in.  In my journey of becoming who I really am authentically, I have learned that I need to go beyond just questioning the norm, but to take it by storm.  Key steps to storming the norm:

  • Question Authority
  • Think For Yourself
  • Seek Opportunities
  • Take Daily Action Towards Your Dream

By spending time questioning authority, you allow for new ideas to come in.  Think for yourself and tap into your true desires to decide what you really want for your life.  Seek out opportunities and information from like minded individuals.  And make sure to take daily action towards your dream.  No one is going to do this for you.  You must step it up and put yourself on the path of living your individual dream, now.

Commit to Your Destination & Burn Your Boats!

While you may not know all of the details of how you will accomplish your dream, you can take steps to identify it and move towards it now.  There is no better example of commitment than the example of burning your boats.

You may be familiar with the story of Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez and his famous journey to Mexico.  His destination was determined, and upon arrival, Cortez advised his crew to, “Burn the Boats!”

I can only imagine the scene of six hundred plus watching their only way home go up in flames.  But what mission could be clearer?  They had to win; they no longer had any other option.  Cortez was a genius, he gave them no excuses, no outs, no other alternative.  His crew was forced to commit.  And they won.

What if you dedicated yourself so completely to your goal that you were willing to never go back.  You were ready to move forward despite any obstacle, large or small.  What if you were so committed to your goal that you were willing to Burn the Boats?

Mission Possible

In order to be successful at any endeavor, you must first believe that your mission is possible.  Realize this up front:  you will have to face many obstacles and bumps along the way.  Part of understanding that your mission is possible is harnessing the ability to move through obstacles fearlessly!  This is a strengthening exercise of character and self-analysis.

Each fire you have to walk through will shape you and form you into the person you are to become.  These experiences will allow you to reflect upon your life and continually make adjustments.  Ask yourself the following questions to get clear on where you are and what you want:

  • What do I want to achieve?
  • What is my biggest challenge right now?
  • What lesson do I need to learn to move past these challenges?
  • How can I change my mind, attitude, or behaviors to achieve my goal?
  • Who can help me achieve this goal?
  • What are my next steps?

Part of moving forward fearlessly is having a plan. Spend time reflecting on your situation and write down a plan of action.  I write focused goals each week and spend the bulk of my time on accomplishing specific tasks that move my personal life or my business further ahead.  Lastly, you must find ways of staying inspired so you can stay productive and continue to build a lifestyle of meaning.

Build a Lifestyle of Meaning

There is nothing more inspirational than living a life of meaning and helping others.  Keep in mind that you are building a lifestyle, and anything that is built takes time.  To stay inspired and avoid burnout, implement the following steps:

  1. Take time to celebrate your achievements.
  2. Realize that by focusing on your goals and achieving them you are acting as an inspiration for everyone in your life.
  3. Share your experience to light the path for those that may wish to follow you.
  4. Surround yourself with an inspirational community, in person and online.
  5. Lighten up, have fun and enjoy the process.

In closing, you are here to live your mission, inspire others, have fun, and become stronger in the process.  If you are doing what you love, it will show.  Take time to celebrate your accomplishments.  Understand that you are embarking on this wild ride to show others that it is possible to live their dreams.  You can help to keep up your level of inspiration by sharing information with your friends, family, and community.  Network with others that have similar values, goals, and missions.  This will help you to stay inspired while you learn to have fun in the process.  My challenge to you is to seek the lifestyle of your dreams, and live a life of true meaning.  Your hard work will make you and everyone around you stronger, so remember:

“That that won’t kill me, can only make me stronger.  Work it. Make it. Do it. Makes us… harder, better, faster, stronger.”

-Kanye West / Daft Punk, Stronger

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