Travel is My Passion, Travel is My Passion – Why Travel is Magical, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

Travel is My Passion – Why Travel is Magical

My true love is travel.  I LOVE TO TRAVEL!!  Travel is My Passion.

I started traveling before I can even remember.

We had a condo in Florida when I was growing up in Indiana and we would split the year between warm Indiana and cool beachy Florida.  My brother and I flew by ourselves between the two when I was seven.

Travel is My Passion

I bought my first plane ticket when I was twelve.

I flew to Canada.  My best friend had moved there, and I worked, so I saved up my money, and off I went.  It didn’t seem strange to me to fly to another country at twelve.  It seemed normal.  I wanted to go, there were airplanes, so I went.

Off to NYC!

My next trip I saved for was New York City… and I was hooked.  I traveled loads before I even graduated from high school.  It was a way to escape.  To see distant lands, learn and feel my way through worlds that actually existed (outside of textbooks).

World Travel

Since then, I have led adventure trips all over the US, moved to Australia, Hawaii, Colorado and California.  I’ve traveled to scuba dive and climb in Thailand, snorkeled in the Bahamas, and toured and explored Italy twice.  I’ve dined at the finest restaurants from Vancouver to world class dining in London.  I’ve skied with the stars in Park City, Utah and camped on remote beaches to swim with the sea turtles.


The thing is, it doesn’t really matter where I am going.  I love to fly.  I love everything about it (well, except security checks, and all of the other people).

  • I love packing.  I am one of those nuts that has everything packed and zipped up days before a trip.  I can’t even wait!
  • I love going to the airport.  I feel so accomplished with myself when I get there.
  • I love getting my e-ticket.  I love wondering who I will meet on my new adventure.
  • But, my favorite part of flying is realizing whatever drama I’m involved in where I am — as soon as plane taxies down the runway and begins to take flight, it all disappears like little bits of wispy clouds we part through.
  • My mind becomes calm, and I look out over the sea of clouds and see the beautiful sun and know, sometimes for the first time in years, that everything is going to be alright.  I get calm, and then I get excited for the journey and the destination.
  • I regain my SENSE OF SELF and I am finally able to drop any attachment to the world below and I let myself fly through imagination land where the sun is always shining above the clouds.

To me, travel is magical.

I am so alive when I go somewhere new.  I talk to strangers (mostly, because I have to–something about travel puts you in a child-like state again).  I ask people where to eat, and learn from the locals what I should do.  I try new food.  I fill my senses with new sights, smells, and people watching.  I feast on the art of life and try to soak it into every single pore of my very being, right into my soul.

I love every second of it.

Getting Lost

Yes, moments come where I am confused, or lost, or dismayed, but then someone rides by on a unicycle and I burst out in laughter.  Or, a gorgeous Italian man says,

How can I help you, Bella?

and my world is suddenly right.

The Return of Magic

The things that get me down when I am home melt away.  Suddenly, I have more than enough to wear, more than enough money, great hair, and perfect skin.  I think I must just float around glowing, for the most part.  I love it so much I want to stop time and just run around kissing everybody and thank them just for showing up on the street at the same time so I could have this moment of pure bliss.  This is why travel is my passion.

Keeping The Magic Going

The only problem that the traveler lifestyle poses is how to make a living while constantly on the go.  After a series of creative positions, I came to the conclusion that I needed a long-term solution for living the lifestyle I wanted to live.

My goal was to figure out how to help others, create multiple streams of income, and simultaneously work from anywhere in the world.  After years of reading hundreds of books on business, philosophy, and passive income strategies, I began to put all the pieces together.  In 2006 I finished my MBA and started my online business consulting practice.  I created a “Sustainable Business Model” that shows business owners how to put your business on virtual auto-pilot and exit to the lifestyle of your dreams.

How Could I Make a Lifestyle of Travel?

The Dream for Ultimate Freedom

After several years of consulting, I realized that my best clients were motivated by the same thing that I am:  freedom.  I also realized that there are those that have the same wanderlust spirit that I do, and they want to figure this out fast, so they can fund their freedom.  These wonderful people are excited about helping others and they realize that if it is done systematically—it doesn’t have to take all day!

The niche of the ‘Business Backpacker’ was formed.  These are my people.  They have been looking for solutions to their quandary of helping others and helping themselves all around the world.

They are interested in adventure and focused on freedom. 

They love the ideas and opportunity that life has to offer and want to work on learning more and sharing it with others.  These lifestyle specialists are smart, savvy, educated entrepreneurs that want to live life unconventionally—they want to LIVE MORE AND WORK LESS.  And my favorite part of it all is that I get to help great people like YOU share your greatest gifts and give you the freedom to do what I love best:  Travel & Enjoy Life!!

If this is You that I just described, you can Keep the Magic Going, Sign Up for my Business Online Course that teaches you how to Find your Freedom, and See the World.

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