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Why Business Owners Need More Support Than “Regular People”

You are a business owner, and need support.  So you go out with your friend and you unload. But, you know the look, on her face.  Your friend– her face, she is SO BORED, so tired of you talking about your business.  You did this really exciting thing that you could never do before and you leaped for joy and felt so proud and And …

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The Importance of a Great Coach

If you’ve been following along with some of my updates on Facebook, you’ll know I’ve been getting my butt kicked severely by my friend Kris.  After spending ten weeks eating and partying too much in Bangkok, I realized I really needed to Get In Shape Girl! As luck (or the Universe) would have it, the second I got back down here and announced my new …

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How to Tame Your Fears

Why do people move? What makes them uproot and leave everything they’ve known for a great unknown beyond the horizon? Why climb this Mount Everest of formalities that makes you feel like a beggar? Why enter this jungle of foreignness where everything is new, strange and difficult? The answer is the same the world over: people move in the hope of finding a better life. …