, The 100 Dollar Question, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

The 100 Dollar Question

Some years back I had the opportunity to be a keynote speaker for a women owned business group in my area.  I started with this question:

If I could give you $100 or 100 hours, which one would you choose?  

Take a minute to think about it, and imagine that the $100 is grabbing distance from your face.

Which one did you choose?  And maybe the better question is,


When I asked for a show of hands of who would take the money, most of the people in the room raised their hands.  But, a few did not.  I called on one of the business owners that didn’t and asked her, “Why not just take the money?”

Her answer was perfect:  “Because I could do a whole lot more with a hundred hours.”

Time is our most valuable asset.  Think about this for a moment and really absorb it into every cell of your body.

What do you have without time? Nothing.  

Ask someone on their deathbed how much they would pay for another day.  I’m guessing they would give you everything they owned to just have one more day. People, here me when I tell you that once you begin to treat time as your most valuable asset, you can have everything you ever wanted.

What do you really want to be doing with your time?

This is the first exercise I do with my clients in my consulting program.  You can do it on your own, and the answers might surprise you.  Take some time to brainstorm and write down the ideas that you come up with.  Writing makes things seem more of a reality, and our brains begin to come up with answers to the ever important question of, “How can I really do that?”

By breaking down larger goals into smaller steps — and carving out actual time in our calendars to work on these new goals, we can do a whole lot more with our next hundred hours <3!

Watch some videos here to Take Back Your Time!

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