lifestyle transformation, There Is No Door, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

There Is No Door

This story is based on a real experiment that took place in a laboratory.  I’ve told this story several times to my clients because I think it has a lot to say about choices, mindset, and human behavior.  I wanted to share it on my blog to facilitate a conversation and get your ideas and opinions.  So make way for…

Lifestyle Transformation: There Is No Door

The Story of Mr. Rat and the Two Doors

Once upon a time, there was a rat.  Mr. Rat lived in a cage in a laboratory, and his life was about to change.

The next morning, Mr. Rat was removed from his cage, and put into an experiment.  Life as he knew it quickly faded into the past.  His new home consisted of four walls, a closed door, a food and watering area, a sleeping area, and a wheel to run on.

“Not a bad place to live,” thought Mr. Rat.

But that was all about to change, too.  Soon, Mr. Rat discovered that there was a problem with his new living situation.  Without any warning he would receive electric shocks at random intervals.  It seemed there was no correlation to his actions and the administered shock.  One day, he might be getting some water and receive a shock.  The next, he would be sleeping.  The shocks did not happen at a certain time, and Mr. Rat became very confused.

“None of this makes any sense,” said a frustrated Mr. Rat.

About this time, his door swung wide open.  Curiously, Mr. Rat peeked down the corridor and wrinkled up his nose and sniffed.  “It smells safe,” he thought, and ventured ahead.

Down the hall, he found another room, exactly the same as his last one.  He sniffed, and followed his nose inside to check it out.  Suddenly, the door shut.  Maybe this would be his new home?

Days passed, but Mr. Rat was worried.  Something was different here.  While it looked the same and smelled the same, something was different.  There were no shocks.

“Or are there?” Mr. Rat mused.

Maybe there would be one.  Maybe it would be soon.  Maybe it would be bigger than the last one.  All of this brooding made Mr. Rat deliriously worried.  He became increasingly nervous and wondered of his fate.

“What will happen to me?”

Unexpectedly, the door was removed!  Mr. Rat sniffed again.  He went down the hallway towards his old home.  That door was removed too.  He looked inside.  Everything looked just the same as he’d left it.  He went back and forth between the rooms indecisively.  Mr. Rat settled back in to his first room.

The shocks began again.

But now, something was really different.

There was no door.

Mr. Rat could choose where he wanted to live.

The choice was up to him.

What do you think he chose to do?

lifestyle transformation, There Is No Door, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

Oddly, Mr. Rat chose to remain in his first home and continue to receive the shocks.

The doors remained open.

This story is the perfect illustration of why people choose to stay in situations that they no longer want.  If you are thinking to change your lifestyle, and have a lifestyle transformation – you need to get Unstuck.  Check out my Online Courses to begin to create the Lifestyle of Your Dreams, and break free!  Always remember, THERE IS NO DOOR.

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