Business Owners Need Support, Why Business Owners Need More Support Than “Regular People”, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

Why Business Owners Need More Support Than “Regular People”

You are a business owner, and need support.  So you go out with your friend and you unload.

But, you know the look, on her face.  Your friend– her face, she is SO BORED, so tired of you talking about your business.  You did this really exciting thing that you could never do before and you leaped for joy and felt so proud and And AND

Business Owners Need Support, Why Business Owners Need More Support Than “Regular People”, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

This is your friend’s face.

You did it again, you went on forever about your business stuff.  But the thing is,

As Business Owners, We Need Support, but, who can we really talk to?!?

Let me make you a list of all of the people that don’t care about your business stuff:

Your friends

Your family (mostly)

Your clients

People you network with (act perfect! you already know everything!)

People in your daily life that give you coffee or food

Well, that is pretty much everyone!!  Depressing, right?!?  So…

How Can Business Owners Get the Support That They Need?

The other day I realized that the only people that care about my business accomplishments and will let me go on and on about it are the people that I am paying to listen to me.  LOL!  I am not lying.

But, then I realized something even more important:  I am actually happy to pay them to listen to me–because they are actually listening to me.  They are invested, they want to help me, and my success is their interest.  And then I started to feel better.

I started to realize, too, that the people that I am paying are actually offering me real guidance.  I am not just getting a blank stare and a generic Cool! response.

The other benefit is that when things go wrong, I can confide in someone and quickly get back on track.

My reiki woman gives me fantastic spiritual and life advice.  If I am feeling low or in a funk, she is the first person I call to set an appointment with.  She does fantastic guided meditations and visualizations that help me feel focused and more alive.  She is fantastic.

Also, I work with a fitness coach.  If I have some accomplishment, I tell her about it, and she is genuinely excited for me!  Or, if I have an injury or setback, we make a plan to work around it and better manage the situation.  This keeps me on track and feeling like I have an alternate plan that I can start to do.

Final Thoughts?

The reason why business owners need more support than “regular people” is that we don’t have coworkers to get praise from or vent to.  We are making managerial decisions all day, every day— AND— teaching ourselves a whole lot of new stuff all of the time.  It is exciting, and exhausting, and does require extra support.

Take a moment to think about who gives you support in your life.

Are there other areas that you would like to get some extra alignment or get coached?

Are there people in your community that you could reach out to?

I encourage you to SEEK THEM OUT.  It will help you appreciate your highs, and smooth out your lows, and (at the very least) you can have a more enthusiastic face to look at when you are going on and on about something that you really care about.

And remember, I’m here if you want to share!  Send an email or set up a call, or leave your comments / ideas below!

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