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Lifestyle Design: How to Identify What You REALLY Want

“…human beings are equipped with the natural ability to learn and train themselves in the right way to become enlightened so as to overcome sufferings or problems.  Particularly, human beings process the greatest intention to search for the ultimate truth in themselves and to be able to rid themselves of ignorance, desires, and attachments as well as become great companions who give the light of peace and real happiness to sentient beings.”

-Phra Songserm Kesaradhammo, Buddhism and Life Development

When you set out to identify your personal mission in life and begin to walk your path, it can seem frightening and lonely. 

Oftentimes, you will not have anyone by your side, supporting your mission.  Many times, people in your life will even dissuade you from following your path, and finding your purpose — because it doesn’t center around them.  We have to walk through these fires of life, and often we have to do this on our own.

This took me YEARS to figure out, but once I did, I was able to do the most important thing I could with my life:  to figure out what I really wanted.

How to Identify What You REALLY Want

You may not start off with all of the answers upfront.

You may just have a prompting in your life that something needs to be different.

Throughout life, our needs change, and as we grow we make new discoveries about our life’s work and how to make continual adjustments.  This is a never-ending process that begins with inquiry.

Ask yourself some of the questions below to assess where you are in relation to what you really want:

  1. How do you feel about your current situation?

  2. What seems to be working?

  3. What areas need improvement in your life?  List out each area.

  4. What steps can you take to feel like you are moving towards your purpose in life?

  5. Who can help you get started, assist with the process, or help to hold you accountable for reaching your new goal?

Be sure to write these down, or put them in your phone as a note.  Save this work that you are doing, as it will serve as a driving force to help you reach your goals.

Defining Your Life’s Purpose

One thing that will keep you going when times get rough is to define Your Life’s Purpose.  I believe each of us is here for a particular reason, and we each have something unique to contribute to our society and give back to others.

Every time I have done this exercise with my clients, they have discovered that their purpose is to help the world in some way.  Spend some time thinking about the following questions and form your Life Purpose Statement below.

  • How can I help others?
  • What special skill set do I have that I can share with the world?
  • How can I contribute to society?

My Life’s Purpose:  I want to help the world by_____________________________.  I can share these skills through _____________________________.  I can be a personal example and contribute to society by _____________________________.

I encourage you in your self-discovery and to want to help you to find the life that you have always dreamed possible!  One of the ways I have contributed is through this blog, through free products, and through my Online Video Course.  Have these are all designed to help you actualize the life that you really want.  Click Here for Free Tools & Resources!

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