, Top Ten Ways To Reduce Your Stress NOW, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

Top Ten Ways To Reduce Your Stress NOW

I was studying the PADI manual for Rescue Diving when I came across this:

Stress can be real or imagined.  Whether or not the stress is real, the body will begin to react to the stress as if it is real.

Newsflash:  Most of our stress is imagined.

If you need proof of this, look out your window on a ‘good day’ and my guess is it looks pretty much the same as it does on a ‘bad day’. The only thing that has changed is our perception, and our attitude. The rest of the world goes on much the same from day to day.  What I care about is You, and I’d like to help you by sharing some tactics I’ve learned about getting back to positive and dramatically increasing your productivity. That is where you are going to make your difference and help the world. Check it out: Ten Ways to Actively Reduce Your Stress:

1. Learn How to Breathe

When I was diving in Ko Ha, my instructor Rob was briefing me before we went diving.  I explained to him that I had problems with buoyancy and needed more weights than normal.  He smiled and said, “No you don’t, you just need to learn how to breathe!” Rob went on to tell me this:

“When people are underwater, they are not relaxed.  They are trying to go down, but they are breathing rapidly, which fills your lungs up with air and makes you more buoyant.  When you are heading in a direction you don’t want to go (i.e. up), you begin to panic even more.  This cycle keeps you going where you don’t want to go.  What you need to do is learn how to relax your breath and direct where you are going with your breath.  For example, if you are trying to go lower, take long slow breaths, or breathe out more than in.  Or, to go up, instead of kicking, just focus on your breath.”

When we got to the ocean floor, I did an exercise where I laid on the bottom and practiced my breathing.  I took a deep breath, and rose up.  I let it out and sank.  I took long inhales and let out the air quickly and was able to move up easily without any kicking!  I continued to direct my entire dive and buoyancy with my air intake and outtake, and the experience was amazing! I could literally change where I wanted to go just by changing my breathing! You can do this with your emotions, too.  When you are stressed out, your breathing gets all out of whack. Your short huffy breaths are not getting oxygen to your system and then you cannot think. Until you stop, breathe, and take long deep breaths, you can not direct your situation to something better.  Plus, as a bonus, it is really hard to think about being angry and your breathing at the same time.  Let your breath direct your position in life!

2. Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body

My friend Lisa is great.  She and I frequently talk about our latest epiphanies and one day she told me this:

“We are totally disconnected from our bodies.  Most days, we are just a bunch of heads floating around thinking about what we need to do next!  We have Got To get back into our bodies and get connected!”

Here is the thing:  if you are a thinker, you probably over-think everything.  I’m super guilty of this.  I have a strategic plan in my head before I even get out of bed in the morning.  I frequently have to stop myself from being too heady and actually get moving. Moving your body pumps the blood and circulates the oxygen where the best ideas come from!  So don’t hesitate, motivate!

3. Check Your Vitals

How many of us get started on a project and forget about our very basic vitals like eating, drinking, going to the bathroom, and sleeping.  Working on overdrive without any fuel is a bad combination.  If you are task oriented and have problems walking away and taking care of yourself, try this:  set a buzzer.  Turn on a timer in another room, or set a notification on your computer to stop and take time to replenish your vitals.  Your work will improve dramatically and you can fuel your projects further.

4. Change Your Environment

Stressed?  Go outside.  Take a walk and find some greenery.  Play with animals, watch them, hug a tree, watch bugs, watch people, realize there is more that exists than just you. Sometimes we get stressed out because we think we are the only ones playing this big silly game and that we have to figure it out all by ourselves.  Getting out of your environment will help you shift your thoughts and change your perspective!!

5. Unplug

Sometimes I want to bitch-slap my computer. I get everything all set up, and it locks up.  I have all the right windows open, and it shuts down.  I think my laptop is plugged in and it runs out of battery.  When this kind of stuff happens, it is time to:


It will get better later, and you need a break.  Walk away, stretch your cramped body, take a break, and come back refreshed.

6. Plan Breaks in Your Schedule

Speaking of breaks, you should have them planned into your schedule.  I do an exercise with my clients where I help them to build a schedule for their Ideal Lifestyle.  It’s funny, because most of my clients forget to put in the basics, like taking breaks, eating, and creating recovery time. We are far more productive if we don’t work ourselves to death. Sound silly?  Do you take breaks?  Do you try to push through when things go wrong, or can you go chill in the hammock and come back stronger?  Get your nearest Kit Kat and gimme a break.

7. Control Your Control Issues

Here’s a great one for us overachiever, super results driven, perfectionist control issued business owners… Who’s got control? If you find yourself in a situation that feels out of control, is your first instinct to fix it?  A better question would be, do I even have the ability or control to fix this? Oftentimes, I get caught up in trying to fix things that I don’t even have control over. The Thais have a great solution for this, they just simply say Mai Pen Rai, or it’s Finished.  No explanation, and just walk away.  If you don’t have control over someone or something (*and really, who does?*) you may be better off just walking away.

8. Stop Spinning & Get Centered

I do this often.  I will stop what I’m doing in the midst of a project and go lie down. I’m not napping, I am taking a moment to settle my thoughts and get centered. Often I amass ridiculous amounts of information at a time.  In order for me to reorganize this information and actually DO something with it, I have to get centered.  I’ve found the most effective way to do this is to go lay down and focus on my breath while letting the information settle. Invariably, it the information stops spinning and settles into a logical place.  Then I can go back to a project and work efficiently.  Do you have something you can do when you start spinning?

9. Recondition Your Mind

Think you can get to happy without actually trying for it?  Guess again.  Us happy people are working harder to stay positive. It doesn’t take much effort or creativity to be a Negative Nancy.  But it takes some Massive Skillz to be a Positive Patty! I hit lows, and way lows, but I’m getting better at knowing what gets me back up and moving.  Part of knowing how to bounce back is having some tricks up your sleeve. Here are a few of mine:  dance music, positive books, reading other motivational blogs, writing, talking to friends or going out, movies, and mantras.

10. Make Mantras

For those of you that haven’t found the switch in your brain to turn off the noise, I recommend reconditioning with mantras.  They really work, and I’ve spent a lot of time making flash cards and pulling some of my favorite sayings and quotes into this list I’m going to share with you.  I don’t have the credits of where these came from, some from me, authors I like, and just general concepts I’m trying to believe in… but I encourage you to Take Action Now, and if nothing else, make some Magic Mantra cards that you can pick up when you are feeling down. My Magic Mantras:

  • I am ready to live with an open heart.
  • I am open and ready to relinquish expectations, timelines, and control.
  • I call in the miracle of money!
  • I feel safe.
  • I am open and ready to embody wealth and abundant living!
  • Thank you for your help, guidance, and encouragement to easily complete my goals.
  • You will never be ready; But you can get ready.
  • Thank you for providing all of the resources I need to do your work.
  • The Universe is Perfect!
  • I am calm and relaxed.
  • I am open and ready to practice forgiveness.
  • I am open and ready to do your work and be a Universal messenger.
  • I have everything already.
  • I practice unconditional love.
  • There is a difference between knowing and doing.
  • This is the Perfect Process.
  • Don’t push the river.
  • Remember, you are a golden child of an eternal Universe.  You are blessed completely!

Got any more ideas?  Share them below!!  I’m always interested in learning more from you all!

I was studying the PADI manual for Rescue Diving when I came across this: Stress can be real or imagined. Whether or not the stress is real, the body will begin to react to the stress as if it is real.

Newsflash: Most of our stress is imagined.

If you need proof of this, look out your window on a ‘good day’ and my guess is it looks pretty much the same as it does on a ‘bad day’. The only thing that has changed is our perception, and our attitude. The rest of the world goes on much the same from day to day. What I care about is You, and I’d like to help you by sharing some tactics I’ve learned about getting back to being positive and productive. That is where you are going to make your difference and help the world. Check it out:

How to actively reduce your stress:

1. Breathing

When I was diving in Ko Ha, my friend and instructor Rob and I were going through some briefing before we went diving. I explained to him that I had problems with buoyancy and needed more weights than normal. He smiled and said, “No you don’t, you just need to learn how to breathe!”

Rob went on to tell me this:

“When people are underwater, they are not relaxed. They are trying to go down, but they are breathing rapidly, which fills your lungs up with air and makes you more buoyant. When you are heading in a direction you don’t want to go (i.e. up), you begin to panic even more. This cycle keeps you going where you don’t want to go. What you need to do is learn how to relax your breath and direct where you are going with your breath. For example, if you are trying to go lower, take long slow breaths, or breathe out more than in. Or, to go up, instead of kicking, just focus on your breath.”

When we got to the ocean floor, I did an exercise where I laid on the bottom and changed my entire position just with my breath, alone. I continued to direct my entire dive and buoyancy with my air intake and outtake, and the experience was amazing!

I could literally change where I wanted to go just by changing my breathing!

You can do this with your emotions, too. When you are stressed out, your breathing gets all out of whack. Your short huffy breaths are not getting oxygen to your system and then you cannot think. Until you stop, breathe, and take long deep breaths, you can not direct your situation to something better. Plus, as a bonus, it is really hard to think about being angry and your breathing at the same time. Let your breath direct your position!

2. Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body

My friend Lisa is great. She and I frequently talk about our latest epiphanies and one day she told me this:

“We are totally disconnected from our bodies. Most days, we are just a bunch of heads floating around thinking about everything all the time! We have Got To get back into our bodies and get connected!”

Here is the thing: if you are a thinker, you probably over-think everything. I’m super guilty of this. I have a strategic plan in my head before I even get out of bed. I frequently have to stop myself from being too heady and actually get moving. Moving your body pumps the blood and circulates the oxygen where the best ideas come from! So don’t hate oxygenate!

3. Check Your Vitals

How many of us get started on a project and forget about our very basic vitals like eating, drinking, going to the bathroom, and sleeping. Working on overdrive without any fuel is a bad combination. If you are task oriented and have problems walking away and taking care of yourself, try this: set a buzzer. Turn on a timer in another room, or set a notification on your computer to stop and take time to replenish your vitals. Your work will improve dramatically and you can fuel your projects further.

4. Change Your Environment

Stressed? Go outside. Take a walk and find some greenery. Play with animals, watch them, hug a tree, watch bugs, watch people, realize there is more that exists than just you.

5. Unplug

Sometimes I want to bitch-slap my computer. I get everything all set up, and it locks up. I have all the right windows open, and it shuts down. I think my laptop is plugged in and it runs out of battery. When this kind of stuff happens, it is time to:


It will get better later, and you need a break. Walk away, stretch your cramped body, and take a break.

6. Plan Breaks in Your Schedule

Speaking of breaks, you should have them planned into your schedule. I do an exercise with my clients where I help them to build a schedule for their Ideal Lifestyle. It’s funny, because most of my clients forget to put in the basics, like taking breaks, eating, and creating recovery time.

We are far more productive if we don’t work ourselves to death.

Sound silly? Do you take breaks? Do you try to push through when things go wrong, or can you go chill in the hammock and come back stronger? Get your nearest Kit Kat and gimme a break.

7. Control Issues

Here’s a great one for us overachiever, super result driven, perfectionist control issued business owners. Who’s got control? If you find yourself in a situation that feels out of control, is your first instinct to fix it? A better question would be, do I even have the ability or control to fix this?

Oftentimes I get caught up in trying to fix things that I don’t even have control over. The Thais are great at this, they just simply say Mai Pen Rai, or it’s Finished. No explination, and just walk away. If you don’t have control over someone or something (*and really, who does?*) you may be better off just walking away.

8. Center Yourself

I do this often. I will stop what I’m working on and go lie down. I’m not napping, I am taking a moment to settle my thoughts and get centered. Often I amass ridiculous amounts of information at a time. In order for me to reorganize this information and actually DO something with it, I have to get centered. I’ve found the most effective way o do this is to go lay down and focus on my breathe while letting the information settle.

Invariably, it lands in the right spot and I can get up and go back to a project renewed. Do you have something you can do that makes you feel settled?

9. Recondition Your Mind

Think you can get to happy without actually trying for it? Guess again. Us happy people are working harder at staying positive. It doesn’t take much effort or creativity to be a Negative Nancy. But it takes some Massive Skillz to be a Positive Patty! I hit lows, and way lows, but I’m getting better at knowing what gets me back up and moving. Part of knowing how to bounce back is having some tricks up your sleeve. Here are a few of mine: dance music, positive books, reading other motivational blogs, writing, talking to friends or going out, movies, and mantras.

10. Make Mantras

For those of you that haven’t found the switch in your brain to turn off the noise, I recommend reconditioning with mantras. They really work, and I’ve spent a lot of time making flash cards and pulling some of my favorite sayings and quotes into this list I’m going to share with you. I don’t have the credits of where these came from, some from me, authors I like, and just general concepts I’m trying to believe in… but I encourage you to Take Action Now, and if nothing else, make some Magic Mantra cards that you can pick up when you are feeling down.

My Magic Mantras:

· I am ready to live with an open heart.

· I am open and ready to relinquish expectations, timelines, and control.

· I call in the miracle of money!

· I feel safe.

· I am open and ready to embody wealth and abundant living!

· Thank you for your help, guidance, and encouragement to easily complete my goals.

· You will never be ready; But you can get ready.

· Thank you for providing all of the resources I need to do your work.

· The Universe is Perfect!

· I am calm and relaxed.

· I am open and ready to practice forgiveness.

· I am open and ready to do your work and be a Universal messenger.

· I have everything already.

· I practice unconditional love.

· There is a difference between knowing and doing.

· This is the Perfect Process.

· Don’t push the river.

· Remember, you are a golden child of an eternal Universe. You are blessed completely!

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