, WTF is Happening in Thailand Right Now?!?, BusinessBackpacker | Online Business Consulting

WTF is Happening in Thailand Right Now?!?

Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts, the King’s illness, His successors… With all this confusion and censorship, it is hard to get the Real Story and understand WTF is actually happening in Thailand right now.  I’ve done my best to keep up on it all, but THIS VIDEO tells it all.  Take some time to watch the special report that demystifies the political situation in Thailand Right Now…

Foreign Correspondent

(If you are having trouble viewing, go HERE to watch or download)

Questions and Concerns:

With these events happening here, I’m sure many may be scared off to either Travel or Live here.  My personal experience is that areas outside of Bangkok are Not Affected.  While the news reporters have made declarations of Thailand being unsafe, I would not agree.  Where I live, in Krabi, there are no Red Shirts, no demonstrations, and the only thing exploding are occasional fireworks on the beach.  While I find it very encouraging to stay abreast to the information and political climate, I would say that Thailand is currently still a safe place to visit and live.

The bulk of activities and demonstrations are happening in Bangkok, which can be completely avoided, or if you want to avoid Bangkok altogether, you can fly from the airport to any surrounding cities or islands. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below, I’d be happy to answer any questions I can.

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